Beyond Inclusion: How to Raise Anti-Ableist Kids
iNFORM yourself and empower your kids.
Beyond Inclusion: How to Raise Anti-Ableist Kids informs parents and caregivers of 15 forms of ableism, supports the deconstruction of their own misconceptions and biases, and empowers them to guide the children in their care to recognize and reject ableism. “Beyond Inclusion” utilizes first-person experiences of disabled people and offers explanations, examples, and resources.
If the question is “How do you raise anti-ableist kids?” the answer is “Become anti-ableist and then model it through intention and action for your children.”
Parents want to be inclusive of their disabled and neurodivergent neighbors and want to pass these values along to their children. What holds them back is not having the education or experience on how to appropriately do this. Beyond Inclusion breaks down fifteen common forms of ableism, with explanations, examples, and first-person accounts. Doing better starts with knowledge.
Author Carrie Cherney Hahn offers activities and perspectives that help parents understand the ableism that exists within them and supports their ability to process and dismantle it so that they can model anti-ableist practices for their kids. Each chapter offers children’s resources that parents can use to nurture informed and anti-ableist ideals in their kids.